Techno-Entrepreneurship Core HKU Logo

HKU EntrepreneurshipResource Hub


iDendron is the Grantee of the “Funding Scheme for Youth Entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”, funded by The Youth Development Commission.

“Gear Up Startup Seed Fund & Incubation Programme” aims to provide entrepreneurial support and incubation services that befit the needs of young people who are about to start their businesses, helping them to turn ideas into reality.

香港大學創新及創業中心iDendron是青年發展委員會「青年發展基金」旗下「粵港澳大灣區青年創業資助計劃」的獲資助機構。iDendron推出Gear Up創業種子基金培育計劃,為青年提供創業支援及孵化服務,以及資本資助,協助落實創業夢。

  • What Do We Offer?

  • Eligibility

  • Selection Process & Criteria

  • Programme Timeline