iDendron is the Grantee of the “Funding Scheme for Youth Entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”, funded by The Youth Development Commission.
“Gear Up Startup Seed Fund & Incubation Programme” aims to provide entrepreneurial support and incubation services that befit the needs of young people who are about to start their businesses, helping them to turn ideas into reality.
香港大學創新及創業中心iDendron是青年發展委員會「青年發展基金」旗下「粵港澳大灣區青年創業資助計劃」的獲資助機構。iDendron推出Gear Up創業種子基金培育計劃,為青年提供創業支援及孵化服務,以及資本資助,協助落實創業夢。
What Do We Offer?
What Do We Offer?
After the first-round screening process, eligible teams will be invited to the final pitch. Winning teams will be awarded up to HK$600K Seed Fund. Besides, Co-working space and entrepreneurial supports, including workshops, clinics, networking dinners, incubation services, will be offered to the awarded teams.
經首輪審批,申請團隊將獲邀參加路演,競逐多個高達60萬元的種子獎金。除種子獎金以外,我們亦提供辦公、會議和活動場所,並定期舉辦各類活動,如分享會、工作坊、輔導診室及飯聚等環節, 同時為入選之創業隊伍提供創業支援及孵化服務。
Aged between 18 and 40 年齡介乎18-40歲;
Holder of Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card 持有效香港永久性居民身份證;
Applicants should have concrete business plans/ideas in Hong Kong and/or Mainland GBA cities within one year or have been running their start-ups for not more than three years 具備一年內於香港或大灣區城市開業的實際創業構思;或已開業不多於三年的初創業務;
Applicants must not be subject to any bankruptcy orders or proceedings 申請人必須沒有破產或涉及破產程序;
The proposed entrepreneurship project should not have received funding from the first round of the Entrepreneurship Matching Fund under the Youth Development Fund (YDF) 申請項目未曾受惠於第一輪青年發展基金的資助;
The proposed entrepreneurship project should not be receiving funding (including funding under the Entrepreneurship Matching Fund) and entrepreneurial support and incubation services from other NGOs under YDF’s sponsorship 申請項目不得同時接受其他青年發展基金旗下機構的資助,包括創業配對基金、創業支援及孵化服務;
While no restrictions are imposed on proposed entrepreneurship projects regarding the businesses they involve, businesses that are unlawful, illegal or involving tobacco, advocacy of gambling, obscenity, etc., will not be supported 創業項目的業務不限(違法、涉及煙草、鼓吹賭博、淫穢等業務除外);
Funded youth start-ups should have business registration in Hong Kong and establish their business in Hong Kong and/or Mainland GBA cities (such as the entrepreneurial bases therein) 受惠的青年創業團隊應在香港進行商業登記,並在香港及/或大灣區內地城市(例如當地的雙創基地)設立業務;
Any start-ups yet to complete the business registration process are required to do so subsequently if selected for funding pursuant to the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310) 倘若初創企業尚未就其業務完成商業登記程序,必須在獲選後按照《商業登記條例》(第310章)完成商業登記程序;
If the proposed entrepreneurship project seeking funding is operated in the form of a partnership or limited company, all partners or shareholders must be co-applicants and invariably comply with the above requirements 若申請資助的創業計劃以合資形式或有限公司經營,其所有合伙人或股東亦必須作為共同申請人,並符合以上資格
Selection Process & Criteria
The selection takes place in two stages. iDendron will perform first-stage paper-based assessment to eliminate non-eligible applications or applications poorly meeting the following selection criteria. Shortlisted individuals and teams may be invited for an interview by vetting committees composed of HKU members as well as non-HKU members including venture capitalists or industrial experts.
- Team Competency (30%)
- Creativity, Innovativeness & Feasibility (30%)
- Business Model & Market Potential (25%)
- Social Responsibility (15%)
Programme Timeline
Application Closed