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The highly anticipated Grand Finale of the 2024 HKU International Techno-Entrepreneurship Challenge will take place on Saturday, January 11, 2025, at the Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, The University of Hong Kong. The event will also be livestreamed globally.

Nineteen finalist teams, selected from a competitive pool of applicants, will converge at HKU to vie for top honors. A distinguished panel of judges, comprising government officials, leading academics, and representatives from cutting-edge technology companies, will provide expert guidance and insights to the finalists, helping them reach new heights in their innovation journeys. Join us for this exciting culmination of innovation and entrepreneurship!


Date: Saturday, January 11, 2025

Time: 09:00 – 17:45

Venue: Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong (Livestream available)


Event Schedule


Morning Session (Startup Division Finals):

08:55 – 09:00|活動就緒Final Preparation
09:00 – 09:05|主持人開場及嘉賓介紹Opening by MC and Introduction of Judges and Guests
09:05 – 09:10|香港大學副校長(研究) 申作軍教授開幕致辭Opening Address by Prof. Max Shen, VP and Pro-VC (Research) , HKU
09:10 – 09:15|香港特別行政區知識產權署署長 黃福來先生·太平紳士致辭Opening Speech by Mr. David Wong, JP, Director of Intellectual Property, HKSAR Government
09:15 – 09:20|香港特別行政區政府投資推廣署助理署長 劉智元先生 致辭Opening Speech by Mr. Arnold Lau, Associate Director-General of InvestHK
09:20 – 09:25|香港大學協理副校長,香港大學中國商業學院創始院長 劉寧榮教授 致辭Opening Speech by Prof. N.R. Liu , Associate Vice-President, HKU; Founding Director, HKU ICB
09:25 – 09:30|全場大合照Group Photo
09:30 – 10:50|初創組·項目路演及點評Start-up Division – Presentation and Comments
10:50 – 11:05|休息及交流Break
11:05 – 12:25|初創組·項目路演及點評 Start-up Division – Presentation and Comments
12:25 – 12:40|評委寄語Comments by Judges
12:40 – 13:00|公布獲獎隊伍及頒獎,評委結語Awards Announcement and Presentation,Summary by Judges
13:00 – 14:20|午餐時間 Lunch


Afternoon Session (Growth Division Finals):

14:20 – 14:25|主持人開場 Opening by MC
14:25 – 15:45|成長組·項目路演及點評 Growth Division – Presentation and Comments
15:45 – 16:00|休息及交流 Break
16:00 – 17:04|成長組·項目路演及點評 Growth Division – Presentation and Comments
17:04 – 17:20|評委寄語 Comments by Judges
17:20 – 17:40|公布獲獎隊伍及頒獎,評委結語 Awards Announcement and Presentation,Summary by Judges
17:40 – 17:45|香港大學科創中心總監、香港大學知識交流辦公室副總監 汪鵬博士總結致辭 Closing Speech (Dr. Paul Wang, Director, Techno-Entrepreneurship Core, HKU)
17:45|活动结束 End of the Event
*Note: The actual schedule is subject to the progress of the competition.

Competition Format

The competition follows an “8+5” presentation format: each team will deliver an 8-minute pitch followed by 5 minutes of feedback from the judges.


Awards will be presented to winning teams in both the Startup and Growth Divisions based on their final scores.  Awards include Champion, First Runner-Up, Second Runner-Up, and Special Awards (Intellectual Property Award and ESG Excellence Award, one recipient each).


Organisers & Partners



HKU Institute for China Business


HKU Techno-Entrepreneurship Core

協辦單位  Co-organisers:

香港特別行政區知識產權署(Intellectual Property Department, The HKSAR Government)

香港特別行政區投資推廣署(InvestHK, The HKSAR Government)

中國聯通國際有限公司(China Unicom Global Limited)

啟明創投(Qiming Venture Partners)

亞洲創新與知識產權交流協會(Asia Innovation and Intellectual Property Society)

香港科技園(Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation)

香港數碼港管理有限公司(Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited)

香港大學技術轉移處 (HKU Technology Transfer Office)

香港大學iDendron(HKU iDendron)

支持單位Supporting Partners:

上海市普陀區科學技術委員會(Science and Technology Committee,Putuo District, Shanghai)

上海北方商城有限公司Shanghai Beifang Mall Co., Ltd.

恒生銀行 (Hang Seng Bank)

合作媒體Media Partners

彭博商業周刊 / 中文版(Bloomberg Businessweek)









Unprecedented Scale: This year’s competition has a global reach, attracting 259 teams from around the world. After rigorous selection rounds, 19 outstanding projects have emerged, representing Hong Kong, overseas regions, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Chengdu, all competing for the top prize.
Focus on Cutting-Edge Technology: The 19 finalist teams represent the forefront of technological innovation.  Six teams specialize in healthcare and biotechnology, five explore artificial intelligence and digital technology, three focus on smart manufacturing, and three lead in new energy, green innovation, and sustainable development. The remaining teams are involved in chip technology and the ultra-low altitude economic sector.Expert Empowerment: The Grand Finale judging panel consists of 15 government and public management experts, renowned scholars from leading global universities, and representatives from cutting-edge technology companies. This powerful lineup fosters collaboration between government, industry, academia, and research institutions, promoting the integration of knowledge, technology, and capital, and accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological innovation from theory to practice, from laboratory to market.

The Power of Innovation, Ready to Ignite!

A Star-Studded Battle for Supremacy!

2024 HKU International Techno-Entrepreneurship Challenge is about to reach its climax.

Join us on January 11, 2025!

Knowledge Transfer for Triple Helix Innovation