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HKU EntrepreneurshipResource Hub

Call for Projects: 50th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva

Call for Projects: 50th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva  Event Date: 9 to 13 April 2025  Type: Exhibition and Competition  Coordinator: HKU Techno-Entrepreneurship Core  Overview:  The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (IEIG) is recongized as one of the top three annual events in Geneva, Switzerland, focusing solely on inventions and innovations. This year, IEIG […]

HKU Startup Legal Day x Cooley

HKU Startup Legal Day x Cooley   Register Now   Intro: Legal Day is a recurring event designed to provide workshops and consulting sessions addressing the legal challenges faced by HKU entrepreneurs as they build and scale their startups. Legal Service Partners, along with key contributors from the HKU Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) ecosystem, play […]

HKU x Oxford Demo Day

HKU Techno-Entrepreneurship Academy HKU TEA, Building A, North District, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub, Shenzhen. 香港大学青年科创学院(深圳前海深港青年梦工场北区A栋), China

Event Details:   Showcase your MedTech + AI innovation at this cross-institutional Demo Day, co-hosted by HKU and and Oxford University Innovation-suzhou!   This Demo Day co-organizing with and Oxford University Innovation-suzhou will happen in December 2024, themed around MedTech innovations with AI integration. Please see the details below and let us know if you'd […]

Impact Innovation Lab Is Now Accepting Applications for Seed Funding!

「創效實驗室」現正接受第六輪計劃的種子基金申請,培育具發展潛力的初創社企!獲選培育項目將得到高達港幣十萬元的種子基金,並在六個月的培育階段內實踐想法。培育項目將獲得顧問指導、創客空間、商業轉介等多方面的支援。首五輪計劃合共選出44個培育項目。項目各具發展潛力,涉獵不同專業領域,涵蓋弱勢社群所需。計劃快將公布第五輪計劃的獲選名單,項目包括以長者教煮家鄉菜為主題的體驗工作坊、推廣無障礙美學的多元產品設計、以復古的士高連結長者的創意舞蹈體驗等。計劃歡迎18歲或以上的香港永久性居民參加。有興趣人士可以一至五人的組合遞交社創項目計劃書;項目題材須關注本地貧窮議題、弱勢社群所需,以劏房住戶、單親家庭和長者住戶為主。想知道更多詳情,請瀏覽官方網站。把握機會,實現社創想法!   第六輪計劃 - 種子基金申請 申請日期:即日起至2024年12月27日(五,HKT 17:00) 網上遞交計劃書及申請詳情: 關於「創效實驗室」及培育項目:   English   Ready to turn your social impact startup idea into reality? Impact Innovation Lab (The Lab) is now accepting seed funding applications for its Sixth Cohort.Successful applicants will receive up to HKD 100,000 in seed funding and have six months to implement their ideas. During this […]

HKU Startup Legal Day x Junhe (8 Jan)

HKU Startup Legal Day x Junhe Legal Day is a recurring event designed to provide workshops and consulting sessions addressing the legal challenges faced by HKU entrepreneurs as they build and scale their startups. Legal Service Partners, along with key contributors from the HKU Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) ecosystem, play a vital role in sharing […]