EA Video
PortfoPlus brings ChatGPT to insurance agents
PortfoPlus is a startup that launched in 2018 initially with a policy wallet that agents could use to aggregate a customer’s insurance products. That would give agents a holistic view of a customer’s insurance and wealth profile, which would give the agent an edge in providing advice and pitching products.
Source: Digital Finance by AMTD
Medical Device Innovation – Seekr and Hollo
“為紓緩部分醫療服務的需求,兩間初創公司Seekr Technologies Limited(下稱Seekr)和Hollo Health Limited(下稱Hollo)在香港大學創新及創業中心(下稱iDendron)Gear Up 創業種子基金培育計劃的幫助下,積極發展與健康護理、醫療保健等相關服務的產品,建立全新醫療服務流程。”
Source: Topick HKET
App Tech Innovation – ROJU and Creato
“港大 iDendron Gear Up計劃鼓勵創新 帶領香港企業走向國際科技市場。兩間初創公司 ROJU: Jump Rope & Fitness App和 Creato(ESSAA Limited)得到香港大學創新及創業中心(iDendron)Gear Up 創業種子基金培育計劃的幫助下,致力發展不同的手機應用程式,為用戶打造更方便的生活,把握科技發展機遇和市場潛力。”
Source: Topick HKET
Clearbot on TVB Pearl
Clearbot, an iDendron startup was featured in TVB Pearl’s Dolce Vita episode 49. The startup creates self-driving electric boats that sustainably detect and collect floating ocean trash and has expanded its use cases from collection of trash to use in data collection and foam breakage.
Source: TVB Pearl
How Archireef’s 3D-printed tiles are restoring coral reefs
InnoSpire Technology Limited, an iDendron startuo was featured in HKIE Civil Division’s video. It is a technology startup with a social mission dedicated to the use of technology to provide visual assistance for elderly and visually impaired people. Currently, developing the FIRST smart glasses in the world that can provide hybrid human-AI visual support to visually impaired people or elderly.
Construction Technology – IntuVision and DDD Material Supply
近年大灣區及全球的建築業發展蓬勃,應用創新科技更將成為主流。本港兩間初創公司IntuVision Limited及大笪地物料(DDD Material Supply Limited)就透過香港大學創新及創業中心(iDendron) Gear Up創業種子基金培育計劃的幫助,將創新科技應用在建築業上,為向香港、大灣區以及全球發展鋪路。
Source: Topick HKET
Gen.T List 2022 – Meet the Honourees of HKU Start-ups
We are so proud to see our start-up community members being recognized on the Gen.T List 2022, as parts of the 300 Leaders of Tomorrow across Asia to make a better future. Congratulations and we look forward to hearing more from them!
- Vriko Yu – Co-founder and CEO, ArchiREEF
- Olivia Chan – Co-founder and CEO, BeautyFact
- Sidhant Gupta – Co-founder and CEO, Clearbot
- Ankit Suri – Co-founder, Planto
Source: Tatler
Internet Professionals Sharing
In mid Dec, a group of HKU startup founders returned to campus for sharing their journey and experience. It was wonderful having this encouraging and open conversation between young students and still-young alumni about starting businesses. Thank you for sharing and participating!
Source: LinkedIn Post